The Battersea Review 01-01
Aus Lyrikwiki
VOL. I, NO. 1, SUMMER 2012
The Battersea Review
Publisher and Managing Editor: U.S. Dhuga
Editor: Ben Mazer
Contributing Editors: Philip Nikolayev (U.S.), Todd Swift (U.K.), Jeet Thayil (India), Peter Behrman de Sinéty (France), Mario Murgia (Mexico)
Designer: Drew VanderVeen
- "Office Worker, 1928; Painters Wife, 1926; and Laboratory Technician, 1938" by Adam Kirsch
- "After Crossroads, Dog 193, and Lyric" by Ailbhe Darcy
- "The King " by Ben Mazer
- "Elizabeth Still, and Mortiferous Activity" by Corey Mesler
- "Zone" by David Meltzer
- "Kingsessing Avenue, The Lost Kings Uphold My Side, and Routes" by Ernest Hilbert
- "Edgar Rice Burroughs, Purvis Young Dies At 67, and other poems" by Gerard Malanga
- "From The Greek Anthology, Book XVII" by Greg Delanty
- "The Future Infinitives, Again By Water, and Re:Application" by Jeet Thayil
- "The Limerick Oddyssey, Books Twelve Through Twenty Four" by Joe Green
- "The Green Man In April, and Ativan/Augustine" by John Hennessy
- "Three Poems " by Kathleen Rooney
- "Rivalry, Vita Nova, and other poems" by Katia Kapovich
- "Transit Inspection, and Imitations of Coleridge" by M. A. Schorr
- "After You Left, The Splendour of Your Darkness, and Angelito Del Fango " by M. E. Silverman
- "* * *" by Peter Behrman de Sinéty
- "Juvenilia, Where Arhe Whe?, and five other poems" by Philip Nikolayev
- "Four Poems" by Richard Brammer
- "For John Matthias, Hieratic Perspective, and La Bandera" by Robert Archambeau
- "A Sock Is Not A Human Being" by Stephen Burt
- "Eleven Poems" by Stephen Sturgeon
- "The Foundations of Poetry Mathematics" by Ben Mazer
- "A Thing Attempted in Rhyme: the Vicissitudes of Translating the Furioso into Renaissance English and Spanish" by Mario Murgia
- "A Cessation of Resemblances" by Marjorie Perloff (Gertrude Stein, Marcel Duchamp)
- "Philip Larkin and the Splendid Poem / Unsplendid Reality" by Nora Delaney
- "Terence Tiller's Lovely Shapes of Rhetoric" by Todd Swift
- "Gadabout" by Weldon Kees and Vincent McHugh, transcribed and edited by James Reidel
- The Battersea Review
- Erschienen 2012
- Kirsch, Adam
- Darcy, Ailbhe
- Mazer, Ben
- Mesler, Corey
- Meltzer, David
- Hilbert, Ernest
- Malanga, Gerard
- Delanty, Greg
- Thayil, Jeet
- Green, Joe
- Hennessy, John
- Rooney, Kathleen
- Kapovich, Katia
- Schorr, M.A.
- Silverman, M.E.
- Behrman de Sinéty, Peter
- Nikolayev, Philip
- Brammer, Richard
- Archambeau, Robert
- Burt, Stephen
- Sturgeon, Stephen
- Murgia, Mario
- Perloff, Marjorie
- Delaney, Nora
- Swift, Todd
- Reidel, James
- Larkin, Philip
- Tiller, Terence
- Kees, Weldon
- Poetry Mathematics
- Ariost
- Stein, Gertrude
- Duchamp, Marcel