Routledge Handbook of Ancient, Classical and Late Classical Persian Literature

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Routledge Handbook of Ancient, Classical and Late Classical Persian Literature. Edited by Kamran Talattof. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 2023 (Box)


  • 1 A Review of the History and Categories of Persian Literature: An Introduction 1 Kamran Talattof
  • 2 Avesta and Avestan Literature 17 Shima Jaafari-Dehaghi
  • 3 A Stylistic Shift in the Ofcial Documents of Pre-Islamic Iran: The Semantics of Power to the Semantics of Politeness 44 Narges Nematollahi
  • 4 Genre in Classical Persian Poetry 77 Matthew Thomas Miller
  • 5 Rudaki: Father of Persian Poetry 122 Sassan Tabatabai
  • 6 The Shahnameh of Ferdowsi 148 Olga M. Davidson
  • 7 Robā’īyāt of Omar Khayyām 187 Juan Cole
  • 8 Ghazal: Form in Meaning 203 Alireza Korangy
  • 9 Niẓāmī Ganjavī: An Innovator of Persian Narrative Poetry 245 A. A. Seyed-Gohrab
  • 10 Geographical Space and Historical Time Layers in Nizami Ganjavi’s Works 257 Hamlet Isaxanli
  • 11 Erotic Narratives and ʿAttār’s Refashioning of the Didactic Masnavi 287 Austin O’Malley
  • 12 Analysis of the Ratio of Poetry and Islamic Mysticism in the Formation of Rumi’s Personality 313 Seyyed Ali Asghar Mirbagherifard
  • 13 Poetry and Patronage: Persian Literature During the Mongol Empire 335 Kacey Evilsizor
  • 14 Sa’di of Shiraz 344 Kourosh Kamali Sarvestani
  • 15 Gendering Obeyd: Rereading Zakani’s Sexual Satire 369 Mostafa Abedinifard
  • 16 Congruity of Structure and Content in the Ghazals of Hafz and Their Cultural and Historical Context 395 Manizheh Abdollahi
  • 17 Non-Ideological or Bibliomantic Reading of Hafz’s Poetry 417 Saeedeh Shahnahpur
  • 18 Jami: The Seal of the Great Poets or the Emblem of an Era? 434 Kamran Talattof
  • 19 A Lost Literacy: Reading Tadhkiras of Persian Poets in the 21st Century 455 Kevin Schwartz
  • 20 Persian-Language Anthological Manuscripts: Typologies and Terminologies 471 Denise-Marie Teece
  • 21 The Grounds of Verse: A Geopolitical Turn in Early Modern Persian Literary Criticism 503 Jane Mikkelson
  • 22 Persian-Language Literature in Dagestan: The Poetry of Hasan Alqadari - Patimat Alibekova
  • 23 Nizami Ganjavi and Georgian Literature of the 12th–18th Centuries - Gaga Lomidze
  • Bibliography
  • Index