Ki no Aritsune

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Ki no Aritsune (紀有常) KI no Aritsune (815 - February 13, 877) was an aristocrat of Heian period. His real name was KI no Asominokami. He was the child of KI no Natora, who had the title of Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade). His wife was the daughter of FUJIWARA no Uchimaro. His daughters were wives of ARIWARA no Narihira and FUJIWARA no Toshiyuki.

紀 有常(き の ありつね)は、平安時代初期から前期にかけての貴族。刑部卿・紀名虎の子。官位は従四位下・周防権守。紀有常