Ibn Dschubair

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Ibn Dschubair (auch Ibn Jubayr, mit vollem Namen أبو الحسن محمد بن أحمد بن جبير الكناني / Abū l-Ḥasan Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. Ǧubair al-Kinānī; geboren 1145 in Valencia, Spanien; gestorben 1217 in Alexandria, Ägypten) war ein arabischer Geograph und Reiseschriftsteller. Als Postbeamter des almohadischen Gouverneurs von Granada unternahm er drei ausgedehnte Reisen:

1183 eine Pilgerreise nach Mekka über Sardinien, Sizilien, Kreta, Ägypten, Irak und Syrien
1189–1191 über Syrien und Irak nach Persien
1217 nach Ägypten

Dschubair gilt als Begründer der als Rihla bekannten Erlebnisberichte in anschaulicher Tagebuchform, seine Werke wurden Vorbild für Berichte späterer Pilger. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Dschubair

Ibn Jubayr (1 September 1145 – 29 November 1217; Arabic: ابن جبي), also written Ibn Jubair, Ibn Jobair, and Ibn Djubayr, was an Arab geographer, traveller and poet from al-Andalus. His travel chronicle describes the pilgrimage he made to Mecca from 1183 to 1185, in the years preceding the Third Crusade. His chronicle describes Saladin's domains in Egypt and the Levant which he passed through on his way to Mecca. Further, on his return journey, he passed through Christian Sicily, which had been recaptured from the Muslims only a century before, and he made several observations on the hybrid polyglot culture that flourished there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Jubayr

Ibn Jubair (en arabe : ابن جبير), de son nom complet Abū al-Ḥusayn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Jubayr al-Kinānī (en arabe : أبو الحسين محمد بن أحمد بن جبير الكناني), parfois écrit Jabair, Ibn Jubayr ou encore Ibn Jubaïr, (né en 1145 et mort en 1217) est un fonctionnaire de cour, intellectuel et écrivain arabe d'Al-Andalus. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Jubair

Ibn Yubair o Yabar (1 de septiembre de 1145 - 29 de noviembre de 1217; en árabe ابن جبير), también conocido como Ibn Jubair, Ibn Jobair y Ibn Djubayr, fue un geógrafo, viajero, literato y poeta de al-Ándalus. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Yubair

Encyclopedia Britannica 1911

IBN JUBAIR [Abu-1 Husain Mahommed ibn Ahmad ibn Jubair] (1145-1217), Arabian geographer, was born in Valencia. At Granada he studied the Koran, tradition, law and literature, and later became secretary to the Mohad governor of that city. During this time he composed many poems. In 1183 he left the court and travelled to Alexandria, Jerusalem, Medina, Mecca, Damascus, Mosul and Bagdad, returning in 1185 by way of Sicily.

The Travels of Ibn Jubair were edited by W. Wright (Leiden, 1852); and a new edition of this text, revised by M. J. de Goeje, was published by the Gibb Trustees (London, 1907). The part relating to Sicily was published, with French translation and notes, by M. Amari in the Journal asiatique (1845-1846) and a French translation alone of the same part by G. Crolla in Museon, vi. 123-132. (G. W. T.)


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