Henryson, Robert

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Robert Henryson war ein schottischer Dichter des 15. Jahrhunderts und gehört zu den bedeutendsten schottischen Schriftstellern dieser Zeit. Er wird zu den schottischen Makars gezählt. Über sein Leben ist wenig bekannt. Er wurde wahrscheinlich zwischen 1420 und 1430 geboren. Aus der Erwähnung in William Dunbar Lament for the Makars (1500 bis 1506) ist zu entnehmen, dass er vor 1506 gestorben ist. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Henryson

Robert Henryson (Middle Scots: Robert Henrysoun) was a poet who flourished in Scotland in the period c. 1460–1500. Counted among the Scots makars, he lived in the royal burgh of Dunfermline and is a distinctive voice in the Northern Renaissance at a time when the culture was on a cusp between medieval and renaissance sensibilities. Little is known of his life, but evidence suggests that he was a teacher who had training in law and the humanities, that he had a connection with Dunfermline Abbey and that he may also have been associated for a period with Glasgow University. His poetry was composed in Middle Scots at a time when this was the state language. His writing consists mainly of narrative works. His surviving body of work amounts to almost 5000 lines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Henryson