Šteger, Aleš

Aus Lyrikwiki

Aleš Šteger (geboren 31. Mai 1973 in Ptuj, Jugoslawien) ist ein slowenischer Autor, Übersetzer, Lektor und Verleger. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleš_Šteger

Aleš Šteger (born 31 May 1973) is a Slovene poet, writer, translator and editor. Aleš belongs to a generation of writers that started to publish right after the fall of Yugoslavia. His first poetry collection Šahovnice ur (1995) was sold out in three weeks after publication and indicated a new generation of Slovenian artists and writers. (...) He is one of the founders of the Days of Poetry and Wine and its program director from 1996 to 2004 and from 2014 to 2022. He is the founder of the international poetry platform Versopolis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleš_Šteger

Aleš Šteger, slovenski pesnik, pisatelj, prevajalec, urednik, * 31. maj 1973, Ptuj. Študiral je primerjalno književnost (diplomiral leta 2003) in nemščino na filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Je soustanovitelj in programski direktor založbe Beletrina. Je eden od ustanoviteljev Dnevov poezije in vina in v letih od 1996 do 2004 ter 2014-2022 tudi njegov programski vodja. Je osnovalec mednarodne pesniške platforme Versopolis. https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleš_Šteger


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